Saturday, May 18, 2013

summer daze

Sit back, grab a pina colada, and enjoy the sounds of summer. "Summer Daze" has everything from groovy surf shack rock to tropical tunes, feel-good jams and mellow chill-out ballads. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

topless thursday

It's been a always. I'm embarrassed at my lack of posting, but I'm just a busy bee. I just got off of a Spring Break high and i'm coping with the crash. These days, the only things that get me going are some jams blasting through my headphones and the official start of Spring. To celebrate the start of my favorite season, here's a new playlist. It's pretty random, but it's full of songs that I never skip through when they pop up on shuffle. Kinda how I never want to skip through Spring...(see what I did there?)
*My playlist creator doesn't have every song out there, but "Say La La" by Keegan DeWitt is worth putting an ear to, as well as "Riders On the Storm (Fredwreck Remix)" by Snoop Dogg/The Doors. The only reason they're not on here is because Rdio sucks. 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

topless tuesday: valentines shmalentines

Here's the thing: I don't believe in Valentine's Day, and it has nothing to do with being single. I'm not a fan of any consumer holidays except for my birthday. In my eyes, Hallmark and Godiva are just taking advantage of something sacred- love.  Anyways, since 'tis the season of love and what not, here's a playlist that even warms up my cold heart.

Friday, February 8, 2013

freaktini fridayz: pacsun

As the saying goes, I left my heart in California. As a native of the Golden State, I'm a sucker for sun, sand, and San Fran. Typical. So how does a Cali girl like me get her California fix? Easy- PacSun. I've been working closely with PacSun as a campus rep for their Golden State of Mind campaign, and I've really learned to appreciate their portrayal of the California lifestyle in their collections. They've captured everywhere from the Big Sur to Laguna in their clothing's aesthetic. Take a look at what I love from their site. While you're at it, I'd love to know what a Golden State of Mind means to you.
(*side note: My aim was caligurl92 back in the day. It probably still works. AIM me?) 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

topless tuesday {on a thursday}

It's been a while...tell me about it! Anyways, I'm back for now. If you trust me, I trust you to check out this playlist that I made. It doesn't hurt. Think of it as a #YOLO moment. #sohip #sotrendy
P.S. Make sure you check out Lighthouse by IYES. If you're a fan of The XX, you'll love it.

*There's no rhyme or reason to any of the songs. It's just good stuff that tends to come up on my shuffle list.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

out of hibernation...

It's been quite a minute since I've last posted. I haven't really had time alone for the past 2 weeks, but I'm glad to have back my lonerism. I just wanted to set a weekly blog calendar so my readers (or lack thereof) know when I'm posting what. Being as I start school on Monday, I'm going to have to cut back on the 5 posts a day I've been doing during this winter break. Quite frankly, I was bored and blogging was fun enough that I couldn't stop. Anyways, here's the sched:

InstaDump Sundayz: You guessed's Instagram dump day!!! It's just a little peak into my average Jane life...not that it's interesting. Though, I do take a lot of Instagrams of old and eery things if you're into that!

Topless Tuesday: I'm baring it all...all my music that is. What did you guys think I meant?!? I'll be sharing mixes that hold songs that are all near and dear to me. I don't really like to share, so you guys are pretty lucky.

Freaktini Fridayz: Basically, I made the word "Freaktini" up...but it's basically just a mix of all things a freak like me loves. It's a freak cocktail to put it in simpler terms. It'll be a totally random category with a mumbo jumbo of topics from style to art to wanderlust, etc. I should just call it Insomniac Rambling Fridayz.

*I know this is a little offbeat, but I will still have labels that you can access through the tabs on the top of my blog. This way, it'll be an organized mess.